About Us

Arko Paint and Resin Industry
Arko Company has a history of over 70 years activity in producing, importing and supplying health -oriented items with appropriate services and respect for customer rights, This company is serving the customers by offering goods in accordance with the latest international standards..

Contact us
Factory : East Azarbaijan - Tabriz, km 35, Azarshahr Road
Shahid Salimi Industrial Town, the third 30 meters street
Contact number : +98 41-34328191-4
Fax number : +98 41-34328195
Email :info@arkopaint.com
Bize Ulaşın
Fabrika: Şehit Salimi Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Üçüncü Cenubi (30 metri) Cad.
Tebriz- Azerşehir Yolunun 35. Kilometresi, Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaleti
Telefon: +98 41-34328191-4
Belgegeçer: +98 41-34328195
e- posta: info@arkopaint.com
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