Pioneer in quality
Globally innovative in its sector
Pioneer in quality
Globally innovative
in its sector

Arko paint industries

Arko Paint and Resin Industries was established in 1987 and started its activity as the first manufacturer of standard putty for vehicles in the northwest of Iran. This company is now a serious competitor for similar foreign producers by producing the first standard car putty in Iran, and by producing car repair coatings and industrial paints, it has been able to cover the country's domestic market. Arko paint and resin industries, during the production of paint and car putty and all car coatings, in 2011 started building its own resin production unit and succeeded in producing various types of unsaturated polyester resins for making types of paste and car putty and all kinds of polyurethane acrylic resins and alkyd resin and was able to achieve complete self-sufficiency and cut off its dependence on other countries
Satisfied and Active customers
Thirty years of experience
Representation in the country
Valid certificate of Arkopaint

Products categorization

Producing products in accordance with European standard certificates in terms of quality and quantity, the ability to export and compete with all types of European products.


Patent and obtain production license

Dibenzoyl peroxide powder and paste product

With the pride of Varzin Arco Industries, after years of continuous efforts and extensive research in the field of dibenzoyl peroxide powder and paste production, in 1401, it was able to patent and obtain a license to produce this imported product.
Export of Arko products
Due to the interest of the CIS countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Dagestan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan and the southern provinces of Russia for the products of Arko Paint Industries, this company established its headquarters in the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan. Also, Arko's export activities are not limited to the mentioned countries and currently it has expanded to the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Oman, Iraq and South Africa. It has competed with all kinds of European products and has been able to claim the title of an exemplary exporter, and hopefully Arko will take solid steps to improve this industry in our beloved country with intelligent interaction.
Color Laboratory

Research and Development Laboratory
Associate Laboratory of Standard and ISO 17025

Zarin Laboratory
Color Laboratory

Research and Development Laboratory

Associate Laboratory of Standard and ISO 17025

Zarin Laboratory

Arco customers

Providing quality products is our biggest mission and Arco Group's efforts are always in line with serving customers

Contact us
Factory : East Azarbaijan - Tabriz, km 35, Azarshahr Road
Shahid Salimi Industrial Town, the third 30 meters street
Contact number : +98 41-34328191-4
Fax number : +98 41-34328195
Bize Ulaşın
Fabrika: Şehit Salimi Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Üçüncü Cenubi (30 metri) Cad.
Tebriz- Azerşehir Yolunun 35. Kilometresi, Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaleti
Telefon:   (041) 34328191-4
Belgegeçer: (041) 34328195
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