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Spray sealant paste (spray wax)

It is a water base type that has flexibility. This product is a coating that actually plays the role of insulation against destructive factors such as humidity, wear, impact and other environmental factors, and its main use is to prevent water and dust penetration, to create resistance to impact and sound penetration, and during the movement of vehicles It shows resistance against vibration and friction.

Uses: Car fender protection, connecting panels before welding, in overlapping parts, inside the trunk and hood of the car and behind its doors, all areas of vehicles that require insulation, soundproofing and adhesion and adhesion.

Construction use: facing stones of buildings and roofs, bathroom floors, bathtubs, toilets, around water and gas pipes, sealing and waterproofing in mosaics.

White, black, gray colors

car insulation

This insulation is special for the underbody of the car, which is used as sound and water insulation and protection from the impacts caused by road pebbles. Besides, it also has construction and industrial uses.

Weight: 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 10 kg

Anti-gravel spray

Arko gravel protector is a suitable underlayer cover, which has an elastic structure and is designed to further protect the underside of the car against impact, sand, gravel and corrosion. It also protects the car paint.

One of the features of this product is being the final coating for more protection, easy preparation and quick application. It has the ability to bend, but it is not brittle, and it has anti-scratch properties, resistance to humidity and corrosion, as well as the ability to be painted.

Weight: 1 quart

Colors: white, gray, black

sealing paste

It is a ready-to-use paste, based on water-based acrylic resins, which is used in the automotive, industrial and construction industries. It is used for closing gaps in joints, holes, seams and cracks before painting,, sealing and insulation. In the automobile industry and all kinds of boats, wagons and industrial machines, and... strapping and sealing of mosaics and facades, bathtubs and washrooms, and sealing of building doors and windows.

Features: paintable, stable elasticity, flexible, excellent adhesion, anti-fracture property, insulating property, can be used with a spatula, brush and in some cases, a paint gun.

Weight: 0.5 kg, 1 kg

Colors: white, gray, cream

Contact us
Factory : East Azarbaijan - Tabriz, km 35, Azarshahr Road
Shahid Salimi Industrial Town, the third 30 meters street
Contact number : +98 41-34328191-4
Fax number : +98 41-34328195
Email :info@arkopaint.com
Bize Ulaşın
Fabrika: Şehit Salimi Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Üçüncü Cenubi (30 metri) Cad.
Tebriz- Azerşehir Yolunun 35. Kilometresi, Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaleti
Telefon: (041) 34328191-4
Belgegeçer: (041) 34328195
e- posta: info@arkopaint.com
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